Yes yes…more kitties!

Many things happened in the pas 6-7 months… One of the happy events was our cat Yoshimi giving birth to 5 beautiful kittens. Photos go chronologically from the time she was still pregnant to now that we are left with two of her kitties (Mingus the black cat and Nazca the white one). Also we are now the proud owners of yet another kitten (why stop at 3 cats when you can have four…). It has no name, yet! For the moment we call it Foufie, until we get to know her better and find her a proper name! Enjoy the parade of kitty photos!!!! This was taken a week before she gave birth This was an attempt to take some pictures of the kittens in order to find families to adopt them; she got so stressed we took them out of the nest that we had to quickly put them back… This is Nazca, she still ‘lives’ with us. Her new mother is going to pick her up in August. She is going to live in Italy! What a cosmopolitan kitty! The were too cute to put down.. And this is Mingus, the one we kept for ourselves! This…
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Remnants of summer and automn!

I just emptied my phone from around 300 photos… Haven’t done that since August… So I decided to make a post with a selection of photos. Lilly sleeping and looking very comfortable in an uncomfortable position… A huuuuuggeee, fist sized, moth I spotted on the way to work on a hot August morning.   A last September swim in Pandeli. One of the things I miss about summer during the winter is not the weather (I hate summer weather) but rather being in the sea!   I designed this cake and the pastry cook realized it! One of the best meals I’ve had at the lovely Mylos restaurant!   When she is not wondering out in the ‘wilderness’ she is almost always sleeping…   And autumn arrived with some great storms… And yes autumn is my favorite time of the year! Perfect temperature and rain!!   And some great cloudy skies   In Athens for the Christmas holidays. It was really interesting how the city has changed in a matter of years!   CHOCOLATEEEE!!!   We tried molecular cocktails on my birthday.. I was not impressed, even though I absolutely loooovee cocktails   Aaaand back to the office….   I hope…
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Random snaps that were left behind since last spring!

So I decided that in order for this blog to seem still alive I will post a few snaps from last spring until about a month ago… As I still cannot find the time to upload proper posts I have decided that for the moment I will post snapshots (which are very often taken with my phone)! Enjoy 🙂   First spring coffee under the sun!! Easter Sunday (a big deal in Greece) and little brother woke up late The rollings on cement Summer full moon can be majestic It gets so humid in the summer that the road is literally shining When autumn comes and it gets a little gold she always comes to sleep in the bedroom. As for the rest of the year she doesn’t care about us Making pomegranate liqueur for Christmas! The easiest gift, recipe here! I woke up to this… Cute and scary at the same time! Don’t let looks deceive you he is a little devil! Sunbathing after the storm Oh hi, are you sitting on the computer? Oh well I’ll sit on your keyboard… Yum yum!!  

Summer is over…or is it? Plus wayyy too many cat photos

Summer is technicaly over… But is it really? Weather is good, most of the days you can even go tot he beach.. ANd anyway I worked crazy a lot this summer.. I finaly have some free time so I refuse to accept that summer is over yet!! At least until it rains or the first time! 😛 End of August was my father’s birthday and we had lobster spaghetti.. DELICIOUS!!!   In the summer we see a lot of these little gecko like lizards. In Greece they are supposed to bring luck and once they get in the house it means you will have guests  🙂     Cats have been sleeping a lot since the temperature dropped a little…   This one has been sofa hopping!   Changed my route to work and discovered this gem neoclassical house!! Stunning!   She sleeps a bit messier than the other one…   On a night walk we discovered this cat on top of the tree.. It was pitch black and had to use flash to take a look… This the outcome A little street on the way to work!     This little guy was trying to attack our cat… Sadly…
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August snaps!

So, it has been a really busy summer for me.. Working a lot! I haven’t had time to relax and it makes me a little jealous of all the people spending their days at the beach and their nights out! But what can I do… This is the time I work most.. I will just patiently wait for winter to come.. 🙂 Aisha relaxing on a Sunday morning.. Cuteness to the max! Maffy or Mafalda or Big Muff… A lot of buterflies where I live.. It like a dream every morning! Yes, this is a chicken and yes it is in the midle of the street… Home made freddo cappuccino     Construction has finished, owners have moved in and it looks spectacular!!       Detail of the new house we built!   Morning dew.. Humidity reaching crazy levels (98%)   Bees having breakfast 🙂  

I have been playing around with photoshop.

So, this week I spent a little too much time in photoshop (considering I had a crazy amount of work to do..) As you can see I discovered ‘actions’ in photoshop and I went CRAZYYY… I even remade old photos. Photos that weren’t nice at all, suddenly became interesting Out of focus images and bad quality ones Cute ones and some even cuter… I have forgoten the time she was so small… I even tried to make romantic ones and borring ones were spiced up! Cuteness never stops…

Sunday blogging and relaxing

I always wait for Sunday with such enthusiasm. It’s the only day of the week I do not work… And I always have grant plans, which I almost NEVER manage to fulfil.. Today I managed to do most of the things I had planed and the evening is still young.

The fact that it has been raining almost all day helped a lot.

uggly tiles look better with colorful rugs

Another thing that helped a lot was borrowing/confiscating my boyfriend’s iphone…

kitchen window


kitchen window

New recipe on Delicious Diversity…

bottle waiting to be filled

Trying to make interesting photos with horrible light and no props whatsoever

pomegrenate liqueur

A calf we came across yesterday, in a last-minute car ride, (those are the best). The day was sunny and warm, very spring like…
