New year, new post

I haven’t posted much in a long time, truth is it has been a shitty year for me and I am very glad it is gone. So here’s to a better one! I had to travel to Spain for family matters and it was a great opportunity to take some pictures! I find it hard to take pictures when at home and working so this was a good way to ease my way back into taking photos. I had with me the lovely RICOH GR camera which is A M A Z I N G for street snaps with an impressive result in colors.  I hope you enjoy 🙂 Somewhere above the Alps on the way to Barcelona: On the bus going from Barcelona to Zaragoza. I love front seats on buses, it looks like you are watching a cinema screen! Zaragoza was created by Augustus Caesar and originally called Caesaraugusta hence Zaragoza… I can’t help it, I find kitsch shop windows mesmerizing. I should get my ducks in a row (very bad pun. But intended.) THE most delicious tapas. Zaragoza has little to offer to a tourist but trust me there are some tapas bars that are worth it! “God…
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