Yes yes…more kitties!

Many things happened in the pas 6-7 months… One of the happy events was our cat Yoshimi giving birth to 5 beautiful kittens. Photos go chronologically from the time she was still pregnant to now that we are left with two of her kitties (Mingus the black cat and Nazca the white one). Also we are now the proud owners of yet another kitten (why stop at 3 cats when you can have four…). It has no name, yet! For the moment we call it Foufie, until we get to know her better and find her a proper name! Enjoy the parade of kitty photos!!!! This was taken a week before she gave birth This was an attempt to take some pictures of the kittens in order to find families to adopt them; she got so stressed we took them out of the nest that we had to quickly put them back… This is Nazca, she still ‘lives’ with us. Her new mother is going to pick her up in August. She is going to live in Italy! What a cosmopolitan kitty! The were too cute to put down.. And this is Mingus, the one we kept for ourselves! This…
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Time slips away..

Yet another belated post.. Time slips away when you are busy. Many things have happened in past few months. New house and new ventures have kept me busy. These are a few photos I have gathered from these last months 🙂 A visit to the Castle on a sunny spring day   We found pretty flowers   and we played with the wind   Leros mills   The cat found her place on the fridge   My plant had amazing flowers!!   A day at the beach! First time in years I went really early in the morning at the beach. It was very beautiful and very private! I see this bougainvillea every morning on my way to work! Waiting for clients… They were late and I got bored! Again on my way to work spotted this beautiful flowers. I think the plant is called osier…   At the construction site it is full of butterflies. I think they seek the coolnes of the water used…