New year, new post

I haven’t posted much in a long time, truth is it has been a shitty year for me and I am very glad it is gone. So here’s to a better one! I had to travel to Spain for family matters and it was a great opportunity to take some pictures! I find it hard to take pictures when at home and working so this was a good way to ease my way back into taking photos. I had with me the lovely RICOH GR camera which is A M A Z I N G for street snaps with an impressive result in colors.  I hope you enjoy 🙂 Somewhere above the Alps on the way to Barcelona: On the bus going from Barcelona to Zaragoza. I love front seats on buses, it looks like you are watching a cinema screen! Zaragoza was created by Augustus Caesar and originally called Caesaraugusta hence Zaragoza… I can’t help it, I find kitsch shop windows mesmerizing. I should get my ducks in a row (very bad pun. But intended.) THE most delicious tapas. Zaragoza has little to offer to a tourist but trust me there are some tapas bars that are worth it! “God…
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A walk around the island!

It has been a long and hard week and this walk around the island was exactly what I needed on a beautiful windy yet partially sunny Sunday! Here are some of the photos I took today and some old ones in the end of the post:     THAT smile!   These two goats where locked up in an abandoned building.   We went for a superbly delicious lunch in Pandeli. I love all the shells stuck on the buoy, it looks like it was done on purpose…   ANd the mandatory visit of  the castle with its lovely view of Agia Marina and Alinda!   And an older photo I took in Athens of some out of focus lights. I call it ”where is you focus?”    

Sunday blogging and relaxing

I always wait for Sunday with such enthusiasm. It’s the only day of the week I do not work… And I always have grant plans, which I almost NEVER manage to fulfil.. Today I managed to do most of the things I had planed and the evening is still young.

The fact that it has been raining almost all day helped a lot.

uggly tiles look better with colorful rugs

Another thing that helped a lot was borrowing/confiscating my boyfriend’s iphone…

kitchen window


kitchen window

New recipe on Delicious Diversity…

bottle waiting to be filled

Trying to make interesting photos with horrible light and no props whatsoever

pomegrenate liqueur

A calf we came across yesterday, in a last-minute car ride, (those are the best). The day was sunny and warm, very spring like…
